Scale Niche Traffic

Top 7 Ways to Scale Niche Traffic in 2024


7 Ways to Build Traffic Campaigns with Scaling Traffic

One of a marketer’s main concerns is creating traffic campaigns that will bring in more people to a company. Once they are bringing some people in they want to scale up. But you have to make sure that the strategy you are implementing is scalable and profitable in the long term for your company. If you have determined that a strategy you are using is that, then here are some strategies used.




1. Increase PPC

PPC, also known as Pay Per Click is how much you are paying each time someone clicks on your ad. Often you set a budget, and once you have hit that budget then your ad won’t play anymore, and any potential viewers can’t see and thus click on your ad. So, you want to check your lost impression share, and this will show you how many impressions you are missing out on due to budget limitations. Thus, if you’re losing out on a lot of impressions you should increase your budget. Which will increase your leads and conversions.

By increasing this you gain more, and you can also check your ROI, Return of Interest, to know if this ad is actually making your business money, or if it’s not returning much. This will help you identify ads that are doing well, and which aren’t.

Your goal is to generate more revenue from the conversions than what your average CPC, cost per click, is.


2. Be creative

The imagery you use is important. Your ad needs to catch the attention of the viewer, and then retain it. Your ads should be engaging. Your imagery should be related to your product and fit into your company’s branding style. Making the same ads in different ways is all good if those ads work, but if they don’t, you’re just beating a dead horse.

Something as simple as a certain color or font style might be off-putting or strange. A lot of companies and industries have certain colors that are related to them, such as green for food industries branding.


3. Increase your budget

For advertising, you need to be able to spend money to push your ads out into the world. Starting small will give you some sales but spending more will increase that. Though at some point increasing the money won’t bring you anymore if your campaign isn’t doing that well. If you notice you’re doing particularly well on certain days, then increase those budgets for those days so that you can reach more people when they are more likely to buy.


4. If it doesn’t work, don’t use it

It seems like such a simple thing, but some companies will stick with the same ineffectual advertisement because they personally like it or think they can format it in a way that will work. However, when told to give something different or when they find their ad doesn’t work they turn around and blame the people doing their job and marketing it for the failure when they didn’t listen to the fact it wouldn’t work. Or if after finding it doesn’t work keep doing the same thing expecting different results. So if some ad doesn’t work, then don’t use it. You want to use what works and find new things that work to keep your advertisements fresh and relevant. Once you find the things that work, you can work on creating similar types in order to bring in more people.


5. New demographics

While you should know who your target demographic is, there is a possibility that other demographics might be interested. If you spread your search a bit wider you might find a second or third demographic that does really well and brings in more customers for your company. If you find out who all is buying your product, and how they use it, then this can allow you to advertise to a wider range of people and bring in fresh business to your company.


6. Keywords

As a marketing strategist, you are likely aware of keywords related to your business that helps to get customers to buy your company’s product or service. These keywords can be bid on and when searched the ones with higher bids will appear higher on Google search or other search engines. So having a higher CPC bid on these keywords means you’ll be higher ranked on Google, which will lead to more sales for your business.

These keywords are very important to your company as this is how your company is found in a search engine, people type in words, and then the search engine brings up pages related to the terms. You need to analyze how the keywords you use and the returns you get on them, is the keyword, ‘Marketing Blog’ gets you a lot of results, compared to the result, ‘Informational Blog about how companies work’ then you want to pay more for Marketing blog instead of the other keyword. Removing these keywords that don’t net your results can help to give you more budget for keywords that do help your company.

Another type of keyword list is a negative keyword list or keywords that result in people that won’t give you conversions. So, you can prevent your ad from being shown to people who won’t pay for your service or product.


7. Mobile Advertisement

Most people focus on desktop advertising, but in this day and age, a lot of people use their mobile devices and any ads that are on display there should be formatted for an easy viewing experience. So, if you have an ad doing well on desktop consider formatting it for mobile users and you can scale up your advertisement in that way.

As a company, ads aren’t just creating one thing and hoping it will do well after throwing some money at it and throwing it out there, they need careful monitoring and placement so the ads can be at the right place at the right time in order to reach the right person who will then buy your companies service or product.


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